The Goodie Bag


Most people are under the impression that party favors belong to the age group of 12 and under. WRONG! My friends are in their 30’s, and love a good party favor.

Every year for my birthday party, everyone gets a surprise gift/bag.

TIP: For large groups, I like to write everyone’s name on the bag. After the party starts, the bags that remain on the table help me identify who has not yet arrived.

The contents of the bag vary based on the theme of the party. One year we went apple picking and everyone got a sack lunch. Another year we went rowing at the Central Park Boathouse, and everyone got a map of the lake instructing where to meet up on the water.

The one thing that is consistently included in the bags throughout the years regardless is a DIY cocktail. I like to include a mini bottle of Tito’s with a flavored San Pellegrino and a straw!


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